2day after school my fren call me go to ply badminton ~
then i go lo and reach there all my fren there~
all r badminton PRO~and only me jus a noob *KA*~
when we started to ply all always SM me ~ but i am still happy too ~
after badminton i go to tuition and I SAW A GHOST~ARGH~~~~~~~a girl with a red clothes go to tuition and she so *BEH PAISE*coz not a lenglui but wear until ....dunno how to say la~1 word can explain her*UGLY*
u cant believe tat ~walao when saw tiok her will die 1
when u saw her u will say like me too~
haiz heng ar 2 hours pass veryvery fast and go bac home ~~and i feel veryvery hungry~^^ haha i forget 1 thing i forget to eat~ lol^^
then until 11.00 pm i go to cook my love MAGGIE~
with a egg and 2 sosej~haha^^ nice leh~
yumyumyum~^^ ok la until here and i go to oioi le lo^^